The Kindle version of my book “Back to the Black: how to become debt-free and stay that way” is now available.

If you have one of these wonderful machines, you can find it of course by searching under the book’s title or under “macmahon”.

Alternatively you can find the Kindle version via the Amazon website at:


Reading e-books on other devices

If you read e-books on other devices and don’t have a Kindle, you might be interested to know that you can benefit from the improved readability that the Kindle technology delivers. Before I bought my Kindle, I downloaded the free “Kindle for PC” software and found it useful, because e-books on my PC became just a little bit clearer to read.

In fact Kindle now has a whole family of apps to allow you to read e-books on PCs, Macs, iPhones, iPads, Androids, etc:  And they’re all free! (So I don’t get any commission for bigging it up)

You can find these apps at:



A few years ago I hit a financial crisis. I had a business which, after five very promising years, had begun to stagnate. I had turned a blind eye to the problem and came very close to bankruptcy. With the help and support of friends and of a few professionals (one of whom happened also to be a friend) I was able to avoid that, and eventually came through the experience without permanent scars to my spirit or credit rating.

Later, I decided to write a book about the experience and what I had learned from it. My book would be written from the perspective of someone who had been there, had the problem and found a way out of it.

After spending a lot of time over the past two years trying to get a deal with mainstream publishing houses, I have now decided to self-publish the book. It will be available first as an e-book; later, depending on demand, as a paperback and an audiobook.

The e-book will be available early in the New Year. Its working title is “Back to the black: how to become debt-free and stay that way.” If you’d like to be advised by e-mail when it’s available, please post a response on this blog.