For a year or two I’ve been sending out an occasional “culture-vultures’ bulletin” by e-mail, to my Bristol-based friends. My aim has been to flag up just a few upcoming (is that a word?) events that I fancy, from the impossibly wide selection of things going on in this lively city. There is nothing scientific or even systematic in my selection; just things that have caught my eye.

Here’s a recent and cut-down sample from my bulletin.


24-26: Foodies Festival. Bristol Harbourside. http://www.foodiesfestival.com/bristol/

24: “The Opera Picnic”. All Saints, Clifton, Bristol, 6:30. Ffi Andrew Morgan, Hollis Morgan, 0117 973 6565

24: Mozart Requiem etc., Bath Choral Society. Bath Abbey, 7:30. http://www.bath-choral-society.org.uk/index.php?page=mozart-requiem

25: Andy Sheppard vs Moscow Drug Club. St George’s Bristol, 8 pm http://www.stgeorgesbristol.co.uk/

30: RWA fundraising event, “Midsummer Magic”. Royal West of England Academy, Queens Rd, Clifton, Bristol BS8 1PX. 7.30 pm. www.rwa.org.uk

30 (till 2 July): “Romeo & Juliet”, GB Theatre Co. Blaise Castle, Henbury, Bristol. www.gbtheatre.com/blaisecastle_bristol.html


29-31: Bristol Harbour Festival. www.bristolharbourfestival.co.uk/


11-14: International Balloon Fiesta, Ashton Court, Bristol. www.bristolballoonfiesta.co.uk/


11-12:   “Telling Tales of Drunkenness & Cruelty.” Tony Rowlands, with the Henri Passat Band featuring Madeleine MacMahon. Brewery Theatre, 291 North Street, Bristol BS3 1JP. http://tobaccofactorytheatre.com/visit/directions/

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