I have been reminded that your previously devoted and (mostly) assiduous Cultural Attaché has been silent for a while. This digest of one-liners is an attempt to reverse that shameful trend.


Health & Safety warning: I make no claims of objectivity. The items listed here are simply those I fancy.

All events are in Bristol (that’s the UK one) unless otherwise stated.



9th                    ConnectOne exhibition preview at the Create Centre, 5-8 pm. Includes work by Angie Kenber, who’ll be there from 6 pm.

until 10th           “The Ides of March” (film) at the Watershed, Harbourside. I don’t normally plug movies but this one is on my personal wish-list! 0117-927-5100

10th                   Hot Club of Cowtown at St George’s Bristol, 8 pm.

0845 40 24 001

11th                   Kirris Revere Blues Band: music for dancing at the South Bank Club, Dean Lane, Southville. No other info available at this time.

12th                   Carmina at Colston Hall 2, 8 pm. 0117-922-3686

14th                   Lilian Boutté at the Coronation Tap, Clifton, 9 pm

 14th-16th            “A Clockwork Orange” at the Tobacco Factory, Southville, 8 pm. I’ve never seen a stage adaptation of that ground-breaking novel; probably worth a look! 0117-902-0344

17th                   Denny Ilett & Ruth Hammond at Rainbow Café, Clifton. Dinner show, so booking essential: 0117-973-8937. Further details on Facebook.

20th                   The Randy Swindlers at the Coronation Tap, 4 pm

24th                   Jeremy Paxman at the Watershed, Harbourside, 1 pm: “Empire: what ruling the world did to the British”. A Festival of Ideas event.

26th                   “Hannah’s Concert”, charity event at Tockington Manor School.  Buffet; music by Chimera featuring Ruth Hammond and special guest Pete Josef.

27th                   Instant Wit improv comedy at The Brewery Theatre, North Road, Southville, 7.30 pm. 0117-902-0344

30th                   Steeleye Span at St George’s Bristol, 8 pm. 0845 40 24 001.


3rd                    Chumbawamba at the Folk House, Park Street. 07855 826 228.


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