A study of 100 retired people produced a list of eight success factors for a happy retirement. Continue reading
Tag Archives: retirement
When I started planning my own retirement (though that’s a word I try to avoid; I’ll say more about that in another post) I started reading books on the subject of retirement planning. That made sense, I thought. Then I started to realise how many aspects there were to the subject.
One book that caught my eye was called “The Beginner’s Guide to Retirement” and subtitled “Taking Control of Your Future”; I thought that would do very nicely to start with. It’s by Michael Longhurst, an Australian psychologist who was responsible for designing and delivering a research project called “Retirement 200”; so-called because they interviewed 200 retirees at length; 100 men and 100 women.
Glancing inside the book, I saw this quote on the frontispiece:
“You are beginning a glorious opportunity to learn, to give new things a go, be prepared to use your talents, use all of your abilities to widen your lifestyle, try everything until you are satisfied”.
Yes, I thought, I want some of that.
Retirement Success Factors: a definitive list?
As a result of all those conversations with the 200 retirees, Longhurst came up with a list of factors that he calls “Retirement Success Factors”. As a way of starting this project that I’ve called “When I’m Sixty-four”, I want to flag up the Retirement 200 list, in order to get some feedback. In due course I’ll expand on what the book says about the significance of these items; and I’ll report on where I agree (and in some cases disagree) with this list.
For now, here is the list of “Retirement Success Factors”:
- the ability to choose the point of departure
- being 55 or younger at the point of retirement
- having meaningful activities
- being financially independent
- being in good health: physically, mentally, psychologically
- having planned one’s retirement
- having emotional support
- having access to education or coaching
What do you think? Whether you are planning your retirement (doesn’t matter if you are 40 or 64), or you’ve already retired and are happy and fulfilled, or already retired and bored, your comments would be welcomed!
This might sound like a strange title for a post by a guy (namely yours truly) who has already passed the age mark immortalised by Messrs Lennon and McCartney. I’m using it for more than one reason. Firstly, it’s a great title for a great record; one of those Beatles songs with which people all over the world join in.
Secondly, the song is about ageing and its positive aspects. Although I am a couple of years past 65, i.e. the so-called default retirement age, at least here in the UK, I still do not consider myself retired. Many people of my age, if they are in good health, feel the same way.
I’m always trying to find an alternative to the word “retirement”. The ones I have seen have both been suggested by friends and family: “renaissance” and “transition”. And there’s a US-published book about retirement planning whose title I like very much: “My Next Phase”. That sums up how I feel about this stage of life.
Now (finally) to the point. Because I have been planning this “next phase” for several years, I have been intending to write a book about the process. However, even if one omits the financial planning aspects (because there is lots of advice available on that) there are so many other aspects that it’s difficult to know where to focus the book: income-generating activities; voluntary activities; health; effect on relationships; etc, etc. I haven’t yet decided which of these to go for so, for now, I’ve decided to set up a discussion forum.
So … if you come into any of these categories:
- thinking idly about what your life will be like when you reach 64 (or 65)
- actively planning for it
- already retired (excuse my use of the R-word) and enjoying an active life
- already retired but bored some or all the time
- finding retirement a struggle financially
- or would like to talk about any other aspect of retirement
… then please post a comment here, so that you can exchange thoughts and experiences with other retirees / retirement planners / renaissance people/ transitioners.
I look forward to hearing from you!
About the song “When I’m Sixty-Four”:
The song is sung by a young man to his lover, and is about his plans of growing old together with her. Although the theme is ageing, it was one of the first songs McCartney wrote, when he was sixteen.[1] The Beatles used it in the early days as a song they could play when the amplifiers broke down or the electricity went off.[3][4] Both George Martin and Mark Lewisohn speculated that McCartney may have thought of the song when recording began for Sgt. Pepper in December 1966 because his father turned 64 earlier that year.[3][4]
Lennon said of the song, “Paul wrote it in the Cavern days. We just stuck a few more words on it like ‘grandchildren on your knee’ and ‘Vera, Chuck and Dave’ … this was just one that was quite a hit with us.”[5] In his 1980 interview for Playboy he said, “I would never even dream of writing a song like that.”[2]
Source: Wikipedia